Multi-modality Latent Interaction Network for Visual Question Answering

Multi-modality Latent Interaction Network

MLIN consists a series of stacking Multi-modality Latent modules. (The inputs and outputs of the MLI module has the same dim)

MLI Aims : summarize input visual-region and question-word information into a small number of latent summarization vectors.

In the last stage, we conduct elementwise multiplication between the average features of visual regions and question words to predict the final answer.

3.1 Question and Visual Feature Encoding

3.2 Modaliity Summarizations in MLI Module

3.3 Relational Learning on Multi-modality Latent Summarizations

Relational Latent Summarizations

input : [k, 512]

Output: Relational Latent Summarizations [k, k, 512]

Relational Modeling and Propagation

Feature Aggregation

前四步给出了模型update region/word feature的方法:首先利用R/E的原始输入分别聚合为k个512d的region/word特征,然后顺序构造A矩阵并使用attention的机制利用每一个region/word 特征在A矩阵上的关注程度聚合信息,最后利用了Resnet的思想,学习变化而不是映射本身.




文章作者: Jason yuan
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Jason yuan !
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