
Hierarchical Attention Network

  • Paper link:https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~diyiy/docs/naacl16.pdf

  • Preface: The reason why I decide to reproduce this paper in 2016 is that this paper is the basis of the model in vista-net (2019 AAAI paper), you can also find the model introduce in my blog here. Still this model contains Hierarchical structure which is commonly used in Multimodal scope, as well as Attention Mechanism.

  • You can find My Implement here , it is not flawless now.(may contains bugs), I will continually fix them then.

(0)Utils for Attention

  • We will use the following two method to conduct attention function, (used both in word & sentence level)

(1)The model part code

  • Word level attention Module.

  • Sentences level attention Module.

(2)Use poutyne to simplify our train code

In Main.py, we only need to do the follow things:

To do Next.

  • Still, there is lots of things to do for a more perfect model.
    • First Attention on padding item can be set to 0
    • Second We should to do something with original dataset, since the Reviews are skewed towards positive.
    • We should do some predicts on original language data, to make our model reasonable.
    • Last but not Least, Use typing to make our code readable for others.

文章作者: Jason Yuan
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Jason Yuan !
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WakaTime Tools 果然,越是期末越是喜欢摸鱼。这段时间看到别人(耿总,Q哥)等人的 Github pinned List 上有不错的 Tools 来记录自己每周用于 coding 时间的工具。于是便开始了自己的摸鱼记录。 在配
多模态论文感情分类篇(VistaNet) 多模态论文感情分类篇(VistaNet)
多模态论文感情分类篇(VistaNet)写在前面:本计划好直接从 code 入手直接看模型实现,但是一看 source code:tensorflow,奈何 PyTorch 党看 tensorflow 过于不适,只能先从 paper 读起,