Sklearn:Gaussian Mixture Model

Sklearn 源码阅读笔记(一)GMM

(一)GMM 模型简述





  • 输入: 样本集 $D = \{x_1, \cdots, x_m\}$ 高斯混合成分个数 $k$
  • 过程:
    • 初始化高斯混合分布的模型参数 $\{(a_i, \mu_i, \Sigma_i\mid 1\leq i\leq k \}$
    • Repeat:
      • 计算 $x_j$ 由各个混合成分生成的后验概率 $\gamma_{ji} = p_M(z_j=i|x_j)$ (_e_step)
      • 根据后验概率计算新的模型参数。(_m_step)
    • Until : 满足停止条件(收敛/max_iter)
  • Predict 阶段:根据 $\lambda_j = argmax_{i\in {1, 2,\cdots, k}}\gamma_{ji}$ 确定 $x_j$ 的簇标记 $\lambda_j$
  • 输出:簇划分 $C = \{C_1, \cdots, C_k\}$

(二)Sklearn 实现源代码


Sklearn 中的 GMM:sklearn/mixture/


  • 首先说一下为什么想到要写一篇blog 专门分析一下GMM在sklearn中实现的源代码:

    • 首先,我们从上面的GMM模型伪代码中,我们可以看到:模型本身非常简洁清晰。在西瓜书上,非常全面的伪代码一共不超过20行。然而在sklearn中,为了得到更好的效率,以及得到更全面的功能,sklearn实现中一共洋洋洒洒写了400+行(不算注释)Python。可见其做的优化,并不想我们直观从西瓜书上看到的那样简单。

    • 模型主要的优化体现在 precisions matrix 以及 precision matrix 的 cholesky 分解 用法上,主要用于提高西瓜书上 (9.28) 多元高斯分布公式的计算效率。

      • 事实上,$\Sigma$ 表示的是协方差矩阵,是对称正定矩阵, 其可用逆矩阵(precision matrix)等价代换(对称正定矩阵于其逆矩阵是一对一映射关系),使用 precision matrix 可以在 test time 加速计算后验概率 (1) 式。同时,sklearn 中采用了$\log p(x)$ 的方式计算/存储后验概率.

        对比这来看sklearn 中计算log的后验函数如下:(我们故意忽略了除了’full’ 以外的方式)

        def _estimate_log_gaussian_prob(X, means, precisions_chol, covariance_type):
            """Estimate the log Gaussian probability.
            X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            means : array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
            precisions_chol : array-like
                Cholesky decompositions of the precision matrices.
                'full' : shape of (n_components, n_features, n_features)
                'tied' : shape of (n_features, n_features)
                'diag' : shape of (n_components, n_features)
                'spherical' : shape of (n_components,)
            covariance_type : {'full', 'tied', 'diag', 'spherical'}
            log_prob : array, shape (n_samples, n_components)
            n_samples, n_features = X.shape
            n_components, _ = means.shape
            # det(precision_chol) is half of det(precision)
            log_det = _compute_log_det_cholesky(
                precisions_chol, covariance_type, n_features)
            if covariance_type == 'full':
                log_prob = np.empty((n_samples, n_components))
                for k, (mu, prec_chol) in enumerate(zip(means, precisions_chol)):
                    y =, prec_chol) -, prec_chol)
                    log_prob[:, k] = np.sum(np.square(y), axis=1)
            elif ...
            return -.5 * (n_features * np.log(2 * np.pi) + log_prob) + log_det
      • 从上面函数中,我们可以看到其调用了_compute_log_det_cholesky 函数来计算 $-\frac{1}{2}\log|\Sigma|$ ,我们稍微往上一翻就找到了这个函数的定义

    • 计算 $\frac{1}{2}\log|\Sigma|$ 的方法:(事实上,用了cholesky 分解的性质 $\Sigma = L\cdot L^T$ 则 $log|L| = \frac{1}{2}log|\Sigma|$)

      def _compute_log_det_cholesky(matrix_chol, covariance_type, n_features):
          """Compute the log-det of the cholesky decomposition of matrices.
          matrix_chol : array-like
              Cholesky decompositions of the matrices.
              'full' : shape of (n_components, n_features, n_features)
              'tied' : shape of (n_features, n_features)
              'diag' : shape of (n_components, n_features)
              'spherical' : shape of (n_components,)
          covariance_type : {'full', 'tied', 'diag', 'spherical'}
          n_features : int
              Number of features.
          log_det_precision_chol : array-like, shape (n_components,)
              The determinant of the precision matrix for each component.
          if covariance_type == 'full':
              n_components, _, _ = matrix_chol.shape
              // 因为 L 矩阵是下三角矩阵,行列式等于对角线元素的积
              log_det_chol = (np.sum(np.log(
                      n_components, -1)[:, ::n_features + 1]), 1))
          elif ...
          return log_det_chol
    • M Step 中使用一下函数进行参数的更新

      def _estimate_gaussian_parameters(X, resp, reg_covar, covariance_type):
          """Estimate the Gaussian distribution parameters.
          X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
              The input data array.
          resp : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
              The responsibilities for each data sample in X.
          reg_covar : float
              The regularization added to the diagonal of the covariance matrices.
          covariance_type : {'full', 'tied', 'diag', 'spherical'}
              The type of precision matrices.
          nk : array-like, shape (n_components,)
              The numbers of data samples in the current components.
          means : array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
              The centers of the current components.
          covariances : array-like
              The covariance matrix of the current components.
              The shape depends of the covariance_type.
          nk = resp.sum(axis=0) + 10 * np.finfo(resp.dtype).eps
          means =, X) / nk[:, np.newaxis]
          covariances = {"full": _estimate_gaussian_covariances_full,
                         "tied": _estimate_gaussian_covariances_tied,
                         "diag": _estimate_gaussian_covariances_diag,
                         "spherical": _estimate_gaussian_covariances_spherical
                         }[covariance_type](resp, X, nk, means, reg_covar)
          return nk, means, covariances
      • 可以从上面更新步骤中看出,$nk$ 代表的是 西瓜书中的 $\sum_{j=1}^m\gamma_{ji}$ 表示的是所有样本中属于簇 i 的后验概率之和。计算 covariances 的时候使用的函数随着type不同变换。

      • 计算 covariance_type 为 ‘full’ 的 covariance.

        def _estimate_gaussian_covariances_full(resp, X, nk, means, reg_covar):
            """Estimate the full covariance matrices.
            resp : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
            X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            nk : array-like, shape (n_components,)
            means : array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
            reg_covar : float
            covariances : array, shape (n_components, n_features, n_features)
                The covariance matrix of the current components.
            n_components, n_features = means.shape
            covariances = np.empty((n_components, n_features, n_features))
            for k in range(n_components):
                diff = X - means[k]
                covariances[k] =[:, k] * diff.T, diff) / nk[k]
                covariances[k].flat[::n_features + 1] += reg_covar
            return covariances

以上就是GMM 中Sklearn中的所有优化。关于后面模型的fit / predict 过程这里不多赘述。(后续如果有时间更新…)

文章作者: Jason yuan
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Jason yuan !
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