
Week 11 Contribute to Pytorch-NLP

This week, xiaolei wang and I were managing to fix the issue7 in Pytorch-NLP project.

Following the reference given by the author , We finally make our small step of pull request to Free Open Source Software.

This is the first time I can finish some parts of FOSS, and pull request !!!, many thanks to FOSS class

Core Steps

Some procedure of making a pull request

  • first step is to fork the upstream repo into your own work space. & always keep consistent with the upstream repo
  • Second write your own code and push them to your own repo(forked from upstream repo).
  • Last but not least, when you get every thing ready make the pull request & mention the corresponding issue or even comment to the author.
  • Finally keep focus on your pr, make sure it pass all test & get a excellent coverage.

BytePair Encoding PR Experience Summary

  • Xiaolei wang provide me reasonable interface, and made me clear about what I should do next, I finish the tokenizer which is the focal part of the encoder and write certain test for it.

  • We also confronted many challenges, you could see them for 6 times failures on the test.

    • For comphehension local test we should use :

      RUN_DOCS=true RUN_SLOW=true RUN_FLAKE8=true bash build_tools/travis/
    • first is the PEP8 format check, such as more than 100 characters, etc, the author write its confine of format in file .flake8.

      ignore = E402, E722, E731, E741, W504
      max-line-length = 100
      exclude = examples/
    • Second is about python 3.5 is not a steady version of python. It is shown here, our next two test failed on python3.5 while pass on python 3.6 & 3.7.

    • Finally, xiaolei wang found out what’s going on, and finally pass the test on the cloud.

Last about our code

  • Major code is shown as follows:

    ./PyTorch-NLP/torchnlp/encoders/text/ : you can find the final version in xiaolei wang’s report or in github.


import codecs
from subword_nmt import learn_bpe, apply_bpe
from collections import Counter
from sacremoses import MosesTokenizer, MosesDetokenizer

class BPETextTokenizer(object):
    _moses_tok = MosesTokenizer(lang='en')
    _moses_detok = MosesDetokenizer(lang='en')

    def __init__(self, file_prefix=None, separator='@@'):
        if file_prefix is not None:
            self.codes_file = '{}.vocab'.format(file_prefix)

        self.separator = separator
        self.bpe = None
        self.vocab = None

    def pre_tokenize(line):
        return BPETextTokenizer._moses_tok.tokenize(line, return_str=True)

    def _segment_words(line, pre_apply=None):
        if pre_apply is not None:
            line = pre_apply(line)
        line = str(line)
        return line.strip('\r\n ').split()

    def get_vocabulary(item_list, segment=_segment_words, from_filenames=True):
        vocab = Counter()
        if from_filenames:
            for fname in item_list:
                with, encoding='UTF-8') as f:
                    for line in f:
                        for word in segment(line):
                            vocab[word] += 1
            for line in item_list:
                for word in segment(line):
                    vocab[word] += 1
        return vocab

    def build_from_corpus(self, item_list, min_count=2, num_symbols=10000,
                          total_symbols=False, from_filenames=True):
        def segment_words(line):
            return self._segment_words(line, self.pre_tokenize)

        vocab_words = self.get_vocabulary(item_list, segment_words, from_filenames=from_filenames)

        vocab_list = ['{0} {1}'.format(key, freq)
                      for (key, freq) in vocab_words.items()]

        with, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as output:
            learn_bpe.learn_bpe(vocab_list, output, num_symbols=num_symbols,
                                min_frequency=min_count, verbose=False,
                                is_dict=True, total_symbols=total_symbols)

        with, encoding='UTF-8') as codes:
            self.bpe = apply_bpe.BPE(codes, separator=self.separator)

        self.vocab = dict(self.get_vocabulary(item_list=item_list, segment=self.segment,

    def segment(self, line):
        if not hasattr(self, 'bpe'):
            raise NameError('Learn bpe first!')
        line = self.pre_tokenize(line)
        return self.bpe.segment(line.strip('\r\n ')).split(' ')

    def encode(self, raw_text):
        return self.segment(raw_text)

    def decode(self, bpe_text, delimiter=' '):
        decode_string = delimiter.join(bpe_text)
            decode_string = decode_string.decode('utf-8')
        except Exception:
        decode_string = decode_string \
            .replace(self.separator + ' ', '') \
            .replace(self.separator, '')
        decode_string = str(decode_string).strip('\r\n ').split()
        decode_string = self._moses_detok.tokenize(decode_string)
        return decode_string
  • Uint Test

    ./PyTorch-NLP/tests/encoders/text/ : shown in xiaolei wang’s report / GitHub.


    import unittest
    import pickle

    from torchnlp.encoders.text.bpe_text_tokenizer import BPETextTokenizer

class TestBPETextTokenizer(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.corpus = [
            "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't",
            'know.', 'Groucho Marx',
            "I haven't slept for 10 days... because that would be too long.", 'Mitch Hedberg'

    def test_pre_tokenizer(self):
        expected = ['One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas . How he got in my pajamas ,'
                    ' I don 't',
                    'know .',
                    'Groucho Marx',
                    'I haven 't slept for 10 days ... because that would be too long .',
                    'Mitch Hedberg']

        self.assertListEqual(expected, [BPETextTokenizer.pre_tokenize(sen) for sen in self.corpus])

    def test_get_vocabulary(self):
        # tokenizer = BPETextTokenizer('test_bpe', use_moses=True)
        def segment_words(line):
            return BPETextTokenizer._segment_words(line, BPETextTokenizer.pre_tokenize)
        token_counts = BPETextTokenizer.get_vocabulary(self.corpus,
                                                       segment_words, from_filenames=False)
        expected = {
            "'t": 2,
            ".": 3,
            "...": 1,
            "Groucho": 1,
            "Marx": 1,
            "Mitch": 1,
            "Hedberg": 1,
            "I": 3,
            "in": 2,
            "my": 2,
            "know": 1,
            "because": 1,
            "pajamas": 2,
        self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, token_counts)

    def test_learn_bpe(self):
        tokenizer = BPETextTokenizer('test_bpe')
        tokenizer.build_from_corpus(self.corpus, from_filenames=False)
        expected = {('&', 'apos;t</w>'): 21, ('a', 'pos;t</w>'): 20, ('b', 'e'): 19,
                    ('i', 'n</w>'): 18, ('le', 'p'): 17, ('l', 'e'): 16, ('m', 'y</w>'): 15,
                    ('n', 'g</w>'): 14, ('o', 't</w>'): 13, ('o', 'u'): 12, ('o', 'w</w>'): 11,
                    ('pajama', 's</w>'): 10, ('pajam', 'a'): 9, ('paja', 'm'): 8, ('paj', 'a'): 7,
                    ('pa', 'j'): 6, ('p', 'a'): 5, ('po', 's;t</w>'): 4, ('p', 'o'): 3,
                    ('s;', 't</w>'): 2, ('s', ';'): 1, ('h', 'a'): 0}
        self.assertDictEqual(expected, tokenizer.bpe.bpe_codes)

    def test_encode_decode(self):
        corpus = ['This is a corpus of text that provides a bunch of tokens from which ',
                  'to build a vocabulary. It will be used when strings are encoded ',
                  'with a SubwordTextTokenizer subclass. The encoder was coded by a coder.']

        original = 'This is a coded sentence encoded by the SubwordTextTokenizer.'

        tokenizer = BPETextTokenizer('test_bpe')
        tokenizer.build_from_corpus(corpus, from_filenames=False)

        # Encoding should be reversible.
        encoded = tokenizer.encode(original)
        decoded = tokenizer.decode(encoded)
        self.assertEqual(original, decoded)

        # The substrings coded@@ and en@@ are frequent enough in the corpus that
        # they should appear in the vocabulary even though they are substrings
        # of other included strings.
        subtoken_strings = encoded
        self.assertIn('en@@', subtoken_strings)
        self.assertIn('code@@', subtoken_strings)

    def test_build_vocab(self):
        tokenizer = BPETextTokenizer('test_bpe')
        tokenizer.build_from_corpus(self.corpus, from_filenames=False)

        # test the all item in vocab.
        expect = {'O@@': 1, 'n@@': 4, 'e': 4, 'm@@': 1, 'o@@': 5, 'r@@': 4, 'i@@': 2,
                  'ng': 2, 'I': 3, 's@@': 3, 'h@@': 3, 'ot': 2, 'a@@': 4, 'n': 3,
                  'e@@': 3, 'lep@@': 2, 'ha@@': 3, 't': 3, 'in': 2, 'my': 2,
                  'pajamas': 2, '.': 4, 'H@@': 2, 'ow': 2, 'g@@': 1, ',': 1, 'd@@': 3,
                  '&apos;t': 2, 'k@@': 1, 'G@@': 1, 'ou@@': 2, 'c@@': 3, 'o': 2,
                  'M@@': 2, 'x': 1, 'v@@': 1, 'f@@': 1, 'r': 1, '1@@': 1, '0': 1,
                  'y@@': 1, 's': 1, '.@@': 2, 'be@@': 2, 'u@@': 1, 't@@': 3,
                  'w@@': 1, 'l@@': 2, 'd': 1, 'b@@': 1, 'h': 1, 'g': 1}

        self.assertDictEqual(expect, tokenizer.vocab)

def test_is_pickleable():
    tokenizer = BPETextTokenizer('test_bpe')

文章作者: Jason Yuan
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Jason Yuan !
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